On Wednesday, 13 November 2019 06:48:11 GMT n952162 wrote:
> I've reinstalled gentoo from the gentoo repository and now my power
> button doesn't do a shutdown anymore.  What do I have to do to have it
> issue a shutdown?  This is an openrc system.
> I have this, but it doesn't work:
> $ cat  /etc/acpi/events/powerbtn
> event=button[ /]power.*
> action=/sbin/poweroff

I don't have the above file, only /etc/acpi/events/default, which invokes '/
etc/acpi/default.sh' and that's all my systems need to shutdown gracefully 
when I press the power button.

NOTE:  I only press the power button momentarily.  If I press and keep pressed 
the power button for a few seconds, then the system powers off instantly 
without a graceful shutdown (a.k.a. I then will get a hard shutdown with no 
disk syncing or flushing of caches).

> On a different gentoo system I have, I have just the one line, the
> action line, in that file and the power-button works fine (whether
> there's causation there or not, I have no idea :-) )

Judging from my systems I don't think the file you are using is necessary, 
unless this is supposed to be a fix for some MoBos which do not work as 

> I generally do /not/ press the power button while in my window manager,
> but first when I've logged off.  Since that wasn't working, I tried
> inside my window manager ... I got a just a couple of lines that looked
> like they came from shutdown(), but too few (couldn't read them).
> Then, on startup, the filesystems needed fscking!!!

Does the same thing happen if you run '/sbin/shutdown -h now' ?



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