Håkon Alstadheim wrote:
> Den 17.11.2019 12:22, skrev Dale:
>> Neil Bothwick wrote:
>>> On Sun, 17 Nov 2019 10:50:08 +0000, Mick wrote:
>>>>> Magic SysReq would probably have helped in those situations. ext3/4
>>>>> only journal metadata by default, you can specify a mount option to
>>>>> also journal data but it impacts performance.
>>>> When X hangs and I lose the keyboard to the extent where neither
>>>> Ctrl+Alt+F1, or Ctrl+Alt+Del would work, I will use ssh to connect
>>>> remotely and stop the hanging process or restat the X server.  If ssh
>>>> is also not working, I use the magic SysReq sequence to stop
>>>> processes,
>>>> sync the disks and reboot, or shutdown.  I don't recall losing data in
>>>> such cases, although when I have time I run fsck with Live media just
>>>> in case.
>>> I do the same, but configuring the power button to do a clean shutdown
>>> may like life simpler.
>> I don't have a second system to ssh in with but if I did, that's what
>> I'd do as well, or try at least.
> You can get ssh clients for Android or Apple iOS. Just remember to set
> up with public keys before you need them, and also give them a static
> address if the box in question is router/dhcp-server.

I guess I could do that from my cell phone then.  It's a Samsung android
thingy.  Hey, I can talk with it and text.  Everything else is gravy. 
Good but not really necessary.  lol  Thing is, if it is slow, it will
likely be slow when I ssh in as well.  Most of the time, it will move,
just very, very slowly. 


:-)  :-) 

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