Hi Mark,
    was your old version Win10 PRO" as well? - as far as I know a reinstall will only validate if the hardware as recorded at MS mostly matches and its the same version.  Cloning via dd, then running through the re-validation checks, then making changes in small steps is the only way I have been able to make it work despite what is written in the link below.

Also check out: https://www.techrepublic.com/article/windows-10-will-microsoft-charge-you-if-you-need-to-reinstall/


On 7/1/20 7:37 am, Mark Knecht wrote:
   I got Win 10 Pro installed via the M$ tool that creates USB install devices. It worked fine. Reading online it seems that if M$ sees the new disk as still the same 'hardware' then it's supposed to automatically validate and I'd be good to go. so far, after 2 hours it hasn't done that but I'll give it awhile and see what happens. As it only took an hour I might still try the disk copy path and see if that comes up validated as that would also transfer the couple of applications I have on the original hard drive.

   Anyway, thanks for the ideas.


On Mon, Jan 6, 2020 at 3:01 PM Michael Jones <gen...@jonesmz.com <mailto:gen...@jonesmz.com>> wrote:

    You can use the Windows 10 Download Tool (Or similarly named
    thing, sorry, I can't find the details of it at this time) to
    download an ISO image

    Combine that with the rufus program https://rufus.ie/ (I use the
    portable one, personally) to create a Windows 10 USB installer stick.

    On Mon, Jan 6, 2020 at 2:39 PM Mark Knecht <markkne...@gmail.com
    <mailto:markkne...@gmail.com>> wrote:

        Hi Michael,
           Thanks for the response. Great info.

           The install Win 10 clean sounds wonderful if it works. With
        no DVD in this machine it sounds like I should investigate an
        install from USB if the machine supports it. It's an Asus
        gaming laptop circa 2008 so hopefully that works but I've
        never done it on this machine.


        On Mon, Jan 6, 2020 at 12:56 PM Michael Jones
        <gen...@jonesmz.com <mailto:gen...@jonesmz.com>> wrote:

            Generally the way I've handled this situation in the past
            is like so (this is written from memory, so expect
            gratuitous problems).

            On the machine with the drive attached
            mbuffer -i /dev/mydrive | xz -e -9 | mbuffer -O hostname:port

            On a machine with storage space
            mbuffer -I port -o /path/to/storage.xz

            To make a backup.

            In terms of cloning windows to another harddrive in
            general, as long as the destination harddrive is large
            enough to fit the original drive without issues, simply

            dd if=/dev/original of=/dev/destination
            (I prefer dcfldd, personally)

            Is enough. Run gparted (the graphical version, for nice
            wizards) after, and it'll fixup your partition table for
            you to match the new size, and you can re-size any
            partitions you have to make them match as well. I do
            exactly this all the time and have yet to have a problem.

            As for windows 10 licensing, don't trust me on this
            blindly, but your license should be tied to the hardware
            fingerprint of the laptop. So even installing windows
            fresh on your new SSD should result in Windows activating
            automatically. In fact, you might want to take this
            opportunity to try that out, to get a completely fresh
            installation without the decade of old cruft built up by
            window's lack of a package manager.

            If it doesn't activate as soon as you plug in an ethernet
            cable, you can just wipe your SSD and copy your old
            installation as discussed already.

            On Mon, Jan 6, 2020 at 1:11 PM Mark Knecht
            <markkne...@gmail.com <mailto:markkne...@gmail.com>> wrote:

                Hi all,
                   I haven't been here in a couple of years. IT's
                great to see some familiar names posting. Cheers to all.

                   I have a laptop running Win 10 with no (working)
                DVD/CDROM. For various reasons I want to move from a
                10 year old laptop drive to a new SSD and am looking
                for guidance on I might do that. Win 10 is properly
                licensed but through a weird channel - it was Win 7
                that M$ allowed to convert to Win 10 for free and I'm
                nervous that if the hard drive died I'd have to
                purchase a new license as the free conversion path
                likely doesn't exist anymore.

                   Both drives are nominally 500GB.

                   The older hard drive fdisk info shows:

                root@science:~# fdisk --list /dev/sde
                Disk /dev/sde: 465.8 GiB, 500107862016 bytes,
                976773168 sectors
                Disk model: ASM1053E
                Units: sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
                Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
                I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
                Disklabel type: dos
                Disk identifier: 0xe0c5913d

                DeviceBoot    Start      End  Sectors  SizeIdType
                /dev/sde1              63  45062324  45062262  21.5G
                1c Hidden W95 FAT32 (LBA)
                /dev/sde2  *     45062325 288063133 243000809 115.9G
                 7 HPFS/NTFS/exFAT
                /dev/sde3       288063488 289247231   1183744   578M
                27 Hidden NTFS WinRE
                /dev/sde4       289249254 976768064 687518811 327.9G
                fd Linux raid autodetect

                The Linux RAID autodetect is from running Gentoo at
                some earlier time and probably doesn't need to be
                copied. I'm not at all sure what /dev/sde3 is or
                whether it's required to make M$ happy.

                   The new SSD is unused and shows:

                root@science:~# fdisk --list /dev/sdf
                Disk /dev/sdf: 465.8 GiB, 500107862016 bytes,
                976773168 sectors
                Disk model: ASM1053E
                Units: sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
                Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 4096 bytes
                I/O size (minimum/optimal): 4096 bytes / 4096 bytes

                   The appear to have the same sector count and
                overall size.

                   I can make a 1TB drive available in my big machine
                and work over USB (which is what I'm doing to get the
                info above) but I'm unclear how much of this can be
                done automatically and how much I might need to do by

                   As long as I don't hurt the old drive I can put
                data on the SSD multiple times to get through the
                process in case I have trouble.

                   Does anyone have experience with this sort of issue
                and can you point me toward some instructions I might try?


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