On Mon, Jan 6, 2020 at 5:19 PM Bill Kenworthy <bi...@iinet.net.au> wrote:
> Hi Mark,
>      was your old version Win10 PRO" as well? - as far as I know a
> reinstall will only validate if the hardware as recorded at MS mostly
> matches and its the same version.  Cloning via dd, then running through
> the re-validation checks, then making changes in small steps is the only
> way I have been able to make it work despite what is written in the link
> below.
> Also check out:
> BillK

   It's a great question that I cannot answer with certainty unless I put
the old drive back in. I thought it was when I did the install this
afternoon but I wasn't sure.

   I'm going to let the machine sit overnight and see if it activates
automatically. If it doesn't I'll go back to the old drive and if needed
will do a new reinstall with the right version. If I can get away with this
path I will. If not I'll go with something like Mick suggested.


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