On Sun, Apr 05, 2020 at 10:17:41AM +0200, tu...@posteo.de wrote:
> Here /boot changes from fat32 to ext2. 
> Since this is my first U/EFI system I am a little confused.

Good morning Meino,

For U.E.F.I., the boot partition (/dev/sda2) must be FAT32. In your fstab file,
this is written as (the last three arguments may vary for your system):

/dev/sda2 /boot vfat defaults,noatime 0 2

A conversation about the (sometimes-interchangeable) uses of "fat" vs. "vfat",
see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/previous-versions//cc750354(v=technet.10)

Regarding your question last night on the use of ellipses, unfortunately your
e-mail server (posteo.de) does not like my (domestic) I.P.\ address, and thus
assumed it spam when I tried to reply. I doubt the fine people of gentoo-user
will have much regard for a conversation about English linguistics. If you would
like to white-list my domain and I.P.\ (mail.suugaku.co.uk, suugaku.co.uk, and, I'll re-send in a few hours.

In short, I included an example of ellipses because as you are a non-native
English speaker, I did not want to cause undue confusion if you did not know the
meaning of the word 'ellipses'. That is all; no hidden meanings :)


Ashley Dixon

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