J. Roeleveld wrote:
> The only time I have seen DSL work without a filter is when the modem is 
> connected directly to the incoming port and no analog device can be connected 
> anywhere in the line.
> That location gets 60meg down and 20meg up.
> I am also 100÷ certain noone can connect an analog phone as there is no plug 
> available.
> Reason why I said a filter is needed everywhere is because I have seen 
> locations where the ADSL router was behind a filter, but the phone, connected 
> to a different port, was not behind a filter.
> The occupant of that house were quick to blame the router and ISP, but had 
> difficulty realising the consistency of the connection dropping as soon as 
> someone picked up the phone or the phone starting to ring.
> --
> Joost

The info that came with the modem and install kit also says that each
phone port must have a filter.  The modem however does not, unless you
use a filter and plug it into the modem port.  Basically, the modem has
to be connected directly to the phone line.  The phones have to be
filtered.  The filter removes or attenuates/isolates the DSL signal so
that the voice part still works. 

When I rewired the phone lines after cutting off the phone part, I only
connected the wire that goes to my modem, nothing else.  I removed the
wires that went to the old satellite box, the living room and other
phone lines that went somewhere.  Since I no longer have phone service,
why run those wires at all. 

Right now it is just after 3PM here.  My connection is already slow. 
It's been raining so I suspect everyone is inside watching TV and
surfing the net tho.  I'm getting around 40K down according to gkrellm. 
On occasion, I get several seconds of full speed or very close to it.  I
suspect the DSL box is just getting to much traffic. 

It is rumored that our local power company is about to offer internet
service.  One friend who has seen some info said it is well over
10MBs/sec.  I think she said her cost would be just a few dollars more
than what I'm paying now for 1.5MBs/sec.  You can bet, if it does come
here, I'm switching at lightening speed.  Of all the things I enjoy
most, internet and what I can do with it is the most important.  Videos
is the top thing, placing orders online and then being able to access
banking and such comes after that.  The first one is the bandwidth hog
tho.  It's also what I do most. 

I left dial-up behind.  Now I'm hoping for either cable or something
else faster, power company is possible, so I can leave this slow DSL


:-)  :-) 

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