On Fri, Apr 24, 2020 at 09:08:31PM +0300, lego12...@yandex.ru wrote:
> On Fri, Apr 24, 2020 at 06:30:25PM +0200, inasprecali wrote:
> > There is no rational reason for the core of Portage to be written in
> > C.
> There are more than one rational reasons to do so.

Such as ?

Portage builds complex models in memory, so an object-oriented language would be
the  obvious  choice:  should  that  be  C++  or  some  other  O.O.\   language.

Regardless,  this  should  probably  become  a  new  topic  on   another   list.
gentoo-user  seems  inappropriate  for  this  discussion,  especially  when  the
collaborators aren't even bothering to remove the [OBORONA-SPAM] tags  from  the
subject line before sending (at the  expense  of  the  cleanliness  of  everyone
else's inbox).


Ashley Dixon

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