On Friday, April 24, 2020 12:27 AM, Steven Lembark <lemb...@wrkhors.com> wrote:

> Main issue I can see with C is that most people today don't know how
> to manage memory; not enough of us left who really understand how
> malloc works :-)

i find it very hard to believe this.  because,
fundamentally, the concept of malloc/free is the
same concept that we expect a 5 years old kid to

e.g. we tell kids ``return all balls back into the
bucket before you leave the room'', which is
exactly the concept of malloc/free.

probably we can even train monkeys to do the same
(return all taken balls back before leaving).

so i really can't believe that we have devolved in
such a way where malloc/free suddenly has became a
hard concept for homo sapiens.

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