On Oct 26, 2005, at 3:22 PM, Stroller wrote:

On Oct 26, 2005, at 12:27 pm, John Jolet wrote:

So what I'm looking for is a program that acts like 'sendmail' (so that I can send email from mutt), and when it gets mail to send it stores it in a queue....

Some kind of command like:

    $ sudo dump_all_mail_to   smtp.wherever.i.am.net

Does such a program exist? Really I'm just looking for something like ssmtp, but with a queue.

most mtas (postfix, sendmail, and exim for sure) have multiple ways of being called. One of which is a "send your queue and die" mode. pick an mta and read the docs.

Postfix would be _ideal_ except that "relayhost" is static. I don't believe there is any way to define "relayhost" to change according to your current ISP.

hadn't thought of that, since my home mail server allows authenticated smtp. darn.

So if he runs `postfix flush`:
- and he has no "relayhost" defined then some ISPs will reject his mail because it comes from dial-129.crummy.isp.net (AOL like to do this) - and he has his home ISP's SMTP server listed then it will likely fail when sending mail from his office.

Apple's email program handles this pretty well, accepting a list of SMTP servers that it'll try in turn, but I don't know about any of the Linux email programs. I would have thought that the ideal solution for the original poster would be to find an SMTP server that he can access from anywhere, probably using authenticated SMTP. If he wants a queue for when his laptop is offline then he uses Postfix locally & sets the authenticating SMTP server as "relayhost" - all messages will be delivered that way when he runs `postfix flush`.

I believe that Yahoo! & GMail offer outgoing authenticated SMTP services, and if you have a Yahoo.co.uk address this is free. Alternatively he could set up Postfix on his home server & relay through that.

The final solution (that i can think of) would be to write a dump_all_mail_to script that takes $1 and edits it into the "relayhost" line of /etc/postfix/main.cf but I'm inclined to think that the other solutions are "better" because they're more "standardised".


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