Am 05.10.20 um 17:19 schrieb Stefan G. Weichinger:

> So my issue seems to be: non-working arcconf doesn't let me "enable"
> that one drive.

Some kind of progress.

Searched for more and older releases of arcconf, found Version 1.2 that
doesn't crash here.

This lets me view the physical device(s), but the new disk is marked as

# ./arcconf GETCONFIG 1 PD  | more
Controllers found: 1
Physical Device information
      Device #0
         Device is a Hard drive
         State                              : Failed
         Block Size                         : Unknown
         Supported                          : Yes
         Transfer Speed                     : Failed
         Reported Channel,Device(T:L)       : 0,0(0:0)
         Reported Location                  : Connector 0, Device 0
         Vendor                             : TOSHIBA
         Model                              : MG04SCA20EE
         Firmware                           : 0104
         Serial number                      : 30A0A00UFX2B
         World-wide name                    : 5000039A08327484
         Total Size                         : 0 MB
         Write Cache                        : Unknown
         FRU                                : None
         S.M.A.R.T.                         : No
         S.M.A.R.T. warnings                : 0
         SSD                                : No

Tried a rescan and a clearing of status ... no change.

Maybe the disk is too big for that controller.

Creating a LD also fails:

# ./arcconf CREATE 1 LOGICALDRIVE MAX volume 0,0
Controllers found: 1
A selected device is not available for use.

Command aborted.

juno /usr/portage/distfiles/linux_x64 # ./arcconf CREATE 1 LOGICALDRIVE
MAX volume 0 0
Controllers found: 1
A selected device is not available for use.

Command aborted.

... annoying and frustrating

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