On 20.11.20 04:32, Dale wrote:
I been using celluloid a fair amount.  So far, it is the closest to
gnome player after a little tweaking here and there.  A couple things
tho.  I like it to start in a specific window size.  I like it as big as
I can but not cover up my Kmix volume controls.  I have Kmix set to a
specific spot, right side, and then I adjust my video player to take up
the rest of the screen.  I then tell KDE to always use those settings by
right clicking the top bat and setting application settings.  Celluloid
doesn't have the normal bar at the top of the window tho.  I can't right
click on it and tell it to use specific settings.  I suspect this is
made for something other than KDE.  My other thing, I can't see the
close button in the upper right.  It closes when I blindly click it but
it's not visible. I feel like a blind squirrel looking for a acorn.

Anyone know a way to workaround those two things?  The first one is
really annoying as I have to right click the top bar and select resize
to set it like I want, each and every time I open it. o_O

You can specify an mpv.conf file to use in the settings of celluloid. Preferences -> Config files -> Load MPV configuration file

See https://github.com/celluloid-player/celluloid#configuration

MPV settings like fullscreen, geometry, autofit, force-window should work if you set them in the corresponding config.



:-) :-)
P. S.  Never would have guessed celluloid was a video player.  O_O

It used to be called gnome-mpv... but was renamed to celluloid some time ago.

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