On Wed, 25 Nov 2020 10:16:28 -0600, Dale wrote:

> I think I was on the old grub back then.  Speaking of, can
> I get rid of one of these or are both required?  If I can remove one,
> which one?  I'm on the new grub and have been for a while.  I think I
> uninstalled the old grub a long time ago. 
> root@fireball / # du -shc /boot/grub*
> 34M     /boot/grub
> 6.9M    /boot/grub2
> 41M     total
> root@fireball / #
> If I can get rid of the plain grub, that would free up some space.  The
> grub2 directory isn't as big but still wouldn't hurt.

GRUB2 uses /boot/grub here, I suspect /boot/grub2 might be the surplus
one, but check the timestamps.

Neil Bothwick

Echo > Speak: "Whale oil beef hooked"

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