On 12/08/2020 05:25 PM, Steve Wilson wrote:
> On 09/12/2020 00:01, Grant Taylor wrote:
>> On 12/8/20 4:44 PM, Steve Wilson wrote:
>>> I use this as the first step to limit ssh access to one of my
>>> servers: `iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport 22 -m geoip !
>>> --src-cc GB -m comment --comment "Drop SSH from outside GB" -j DROP`
>> Has the geoip match extension been updated to take into account
>> MaxMind discontinuing their GeoLite database and the need to support
>> GeoLite2?
> The xt_geoip_dl script grabs a csv from
> https://db-ip.com/db/download/ip-to-country-lite. I imagine there's a
> method for dealing with maxmind's new version and converting to csv if
> they don't already provide one for the paid service.
> Steve

The dbip-country-lite-2020-12.csv is 16MB (file) though, it includes all
the countries.
The country I want to ban file is only 697kB
so it might be easier to for apache, am I correct?

Either way, the apache would have to access the database where all the
codes are stored or .htaccess file.   Or is it easier if I incorporate
the IP addressed into main .config file (in apache)?

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