Am Thu, Dec 24, 2020 at 10:38:33AM -0600 schrieb Dale:

> My router also has two USB plugs for sharing external hard drives or USB
> sticks.  I'm not talking about that because I don't like hooking a drive
> up over USB.  It never works well for some reason.  According to the
> link below, I hook the NAS up to the router via ethernet and it is
> available for all devices connected to the router.  I'd guess that I can
> also make it accessible to the internet to but I doubt I'll do that.  If
> it is set that way by default, I'll google and find out how to disable
> that. Linky:

For a typical router that hides your home net from the outside via NAT,
you’d have to set up port forwarding in order to reach anything on the
inside. I run nginx on my raspi for Nextcloud and PIM syncserver, and I
make them available that way.

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It isn’t stroganoff.

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