On Wed, 2021-02-03 at 13:40 -0700, Grant Taylor wrote:
> > Are you thinking about the system packages instead of the world file?
> Yes.  That's what I meant.  Thank you for correcting me.
> > If so, I think it is as small as it can be already.
> That is / was my understanding as well.  But I was not certain.  Hence why I 
> asked.

@system depends on your profile.  So depending on what profile you
select, you'll have a different set of implicitly selected packages.

To answer your original question...

> What is the minimal world file to be somewhat conceptually similar to a 
> debootstrap install of Debian / Ubuntu?

Probably selecting the "default/linux/amd64/17.1/desktop/gnome/systemd"
profile would get you the closest to start with.  Of course it won't
automatically select every package that Ubuntubian ships with, but that
should only require you to add a couple of meta packages (like gnome-
base/gnome-extra-apps for example)

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