On 2/3/21 2:21 PM, Matt Connell (Gmail) wrote:
@system depends on your profile. So depending on what profile you select, you'll have a different set of implicitly selected packages.

The light bulb is starting to glow.

To answer your original question...

Probably selecting the "default/linux/amd64/17.1/desktop/gnome/systemd" profile would get you the closest to start with. Of course it won't automatically select every package that Ubuntubian ships with, but that should only require you to add a couple of meta packages (like gnome- base/gnome-extra-apps for example)

I'm thinking we might have different ideas of what debootstrap does. Or perhaps that you thought I meant a fuller Debian / Ubuntu system.

I'm looking for the absolute minimum required for a Gentoo installation. (Preferably one that can manage it's own packages and not depend on another system.)

I would also VERY MUCH like to stay as far away from systemd et al. as possible.

Grant. . . .
unix || die

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