On Sun, 13 Jun 2021 09:33:57 -0400, Walter Dnes wrote:

> On Sun, Jun 13, 2021 at 06:46:15AM +0200, Hund wrote
> > >Let me rephrase the question more generally... given a
> > >kernel "/boot/vmlinuz-fubar" how and where do I specify it by name as
> > >the default boot kernel?  
> > 
> > What about this?
> > 
> > https://www.stephenrlang.com/2017/06/setting-default-kernel-in-grub2/
> >  
>   Is /boot/grub/grub.cfg the file that actually controls bootup, and is
> all 154 lines of verbosity really necessary?  For menu entries I see...

Not necessary, but does no harm either. The first 90% of the file is
automated setup, which you can replace with hard coded entries or just
leave it to its own devices. The only part you need to think about is the
menuentry sections.

>   I'd be tempted to do a manual gub.cfg if I had documentation.

GRUB has extensive documentation. it's not the best written but every
configuration option is described.

Isn't this a new laptop? If so, why torment yourself with GRUB when you
have UEFI available to you? The only real justification for using GRUB in
such a situation is that you are completely familiar with it and don't
want to learn something else. But if you have to learn something, you may
as well learn the 2/3 line configs of systemd-boot.

Note that systemd-boot doesn't require systemd, it's just the gummiboot
boot manager that was merged into systemd taken out again. Or you could
use rEFInd if you prefer a prettier boot menu.

Neil Bothwick

Mouse: (n.) an input device used by management to force computer users to
       keep at least a part of their desks clean.

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