210613 Neil Bothwick wrote:
> Isn't this a new laptop? If so, why torment yourself with GRUB when you
> have UEFI available to you? The only real justification for using GRUB in
> such a situation is that you are completely familiar with it and don't
> want to learn something else. But if you have to learn something, you may
> as well learn the 2/3 line configs of systemd-boot.
> Note that systemd-boot doesn't require systemd, it's just the gummiboot
> boot manager that was merged into systemd taken out again. Or you could
> use rEFInd if you prefer a prettier boot menu.

Or the OP could use Lilo, the simplest boot manager of all.

SUPPORT     ___________//___,   Philip Webb
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TRANSIT    `-O----------O---'   purslowatchassdotutorontodotca

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