gevisz wrote:
> вс, 9 янв. 2022 г. в 14:08, Arve Barsnes <>:
>> On Sun, 9 Jan 2022 at 12:48, gevisz <> wrote:
>>> The problem is that I do not know how to sync my Gentoo repository
>>> to the state it was on 12-12-2021.
>>> I use webrsync sync method via "emaint -A sync" and would prefer
>>> to use the same sync method for degrading my Gentoo system.
>>> Can anybody, please, tell me how to do it using this sync method?
>> This is probably not possible at all using any of the tools available.
>> These tools only support downloading the latest snapshot to get you up
>> to date. Additionally, most mirrors only keep snapshots of the last 7
>> days or so, so it would take some (possibly futile) effort to find a
>> snapshot of the date you need.
>> The only option, as far as I can see, is to migrate your portage tree
>> to git, where you can specify a commit that you want to sync to from
>> the wanted day.
> It is a pity, but thank you for the answer.

I'm not sure if I'm understanding completely the problem here but
thought I'd suggest something.  Can you not just mask newer versions of
the package so emerge won't update it until you are ready?  I do that
sometimes here.  I've did it with smplayer at one point because some
changes broke things for me.  I kept it from upgrading for months until
things got fixed.  I then removed the mask, while keeping the old ebuild
and even a binary of the package, and allowed emerge to upgrade
smplayer.  At that point, things worked for me that didn't before.

The only downside to this, things your package depends on may go past
what your package supports and you run into issues.  As the other person
said, it's best to figure out why your package fails and fix that, then
you can worry about new problems.  ;-)  Masking the newer version may
work at least in the meantime tho.  Give you time to sort out the failure. 

Just a thought. 


:-)  :-) 

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