Dr Rainer Woitok wrote:
> Wol,
> On Sunday, 2022-02-20 14:56:20 +0000, you wrote:
>> ...
>>                                                But --deep - that's to do 
>> with a dependency changing USE flags, and it will block a depclean if 
>> you don't do it.
> Thanks for the reminder!  This is in fact mentioned in every output from
> "emerge --depclean" and thus develops a high probability of being ignor-
> ed ... :-)
> So my script will keep "--deep" when "--update" is specified.   But what
> about "--changed-deps"?   Can nobody on this list explain what it really
> is or isn't good for, or when to use or not to use it?
> Sincerely,
>   Rainer

I read what the man page says.  For me, it isn't very clear.  I'm sure
you read it and came to the same conclusion.  This is my thoughts, and I
am certainly capable of being very wrong here.  Lets say package A
depends on package B.  Package B changes and could affect package A. 
The --changed-deps should trigger a rebuild/reinstall of package A. 
Sometimes package A can link to parts of package B and changing package
A can affect that if there is a sizable change.  It may even make
package A not work or crash. 

That's my thinking.  Like I said, I could be wrong or have it
backwards.  The man page just isn't worded in a way that makes sense to
me.  Of course, I don't have a decoder for emerge either.  :/

Anyone have a better explanation??


:-)  :-) 

P. S.  I tried tkman to read man pages.  It pukes a error and doesn't
work.  Something changed in the man command and I don't like it.  I'm
looking for a GUI man page tool.  Any ideas?  Off list if needed.  I
noticed this when trying to read the emerge man page. 

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