> > > By upgrading one of my system, I've just noticed this behaviour is 
> > > enforced (I think) by new package that was pulled by emerge:
> > > [ebuild  N    ] gnome-base/gnome-keyring-42.1  USE="pam ssh-agent 
> > > (-selinux) -systemd -test"

> > > I don't use gnome, I use XFCE but I guess one of the package pull this as 
> > > a dependency.

Anecdote time from a fellow XFCE user.  I previously fought against
having gnome-keyring and eventually gave up, since more and more things
wanted to use it.  Now, I find it quite useful.  Lots of GTK
applications (and XFCE is GTK based) want to use gnome-keyring, and
between evolution, dbeaver, nheko, and others, it has become a benefit
(to me) rather than an annoyance.

If you decide to give it a try, app-crypt/seahorse is a useful
companion application for managing the keyring's contents.

> Should not this instruction say emerge --pretend  --depclean rather
> than --unmerge ?

Since its pretended, the result is the same, ultimately.

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