On Thu, Aug 25, 2022 at 8:43 AM Dale <rdalek1...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I've already got data on the drive now with the default settings so it
> is to late for the moment however, I expect to need to add drives
> later.  Keep in mind, I use LVM which means I grow file systems quite
> often by adding drives.  I don't know if that grows inodes or not.  I
> suspect it does somehow.

It does not.  It just means that if you want to reformat it you have
to reformat all the drives in the LVM logical volume.  :)

There are filesystems that don't have fixed limits on inodes on
filesystem creation, but ALL filesystems have tradeoffs.  This is one
of the big limitations of ext4, but ext4 also has a number of
advantages over alternatives.  I tend to use zfs but it has its own
issues.  I don't believe inodes are fixed in zfs, but the last time I
looked into it there were potential issues with reducing the size of a
vdev.  (I think that was being worked on but I'm not sure how stable
that is, or if it is compatible with grub.  Actually, one of my pet
peeves has been that finding out exactly what zfs features are
compatible with grub is tricky.  Oh, you can google it, but I don't
think there is any official page that is kept up to date.)


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