Mark Knecht wrote:
> On Thu, Dec 15, 2022 at 9:08 PM Dale <
> <>> wrote:
> <SNIP>
> > 2:  Hardware change.  The Dell comes with a 100MB network card.  I
> > ordered a 1GB card.  I plan to put it in when it gets here.  Will it see
> > the new card and work automatically or will it take some work to get the
> > network going?  On my Gentoo rig, I have to enable drivers in the kernel
> > and recompile.  I'm not sure about BSD tho.  Since it is sort of a
> > binary thing, does TrueNAS handle hardware changes such as a network
> > card well?
> <SNIP>
> At the risk of repeating a bit of what Frank said I'll put in my 2
> cents as a
> TrueNAS user. No intention to be snarky on my side, just pointing
> a few things out.
> 1) Welcome to the world of "not Gentoo". What I think you are describing
> as a 'binary thing' is, for the most part, the way we work out here.
> 2) I disagree with your description of how "it's done" in Gentoo Land. You
> made a choice to put your network driver in the kernel. You could have
> built it as a module and loaded that module. Both would have worked.
> 3) Out here in Not Gentoo Land (NGL) they supply you with 100's of
> modules and generally installers figure out which ones to load. My main 
> NGL machine has literally over 100 modules loaded. I don't know what 
> they do (for the most part) and mostly I don't care.
> 4) While I cannot tell you if the card you ordered has a Linux or FreeBSD
> driver, I can point out that on the left hand side of your TrueNAS 
> dashboard, accessible in your browser hopefully, there is a pulldown
> called 'Network'. It should hopefully show you the current network
> interface which in my case is called 're0'. On the right you might,
> hopefully
> possibly see a big blue button called "ADD". Consider giving that button 
> a push after you've installed your new card.
>    I believe you will get this figured out very soon. Continue exploring
> the NGL world. 
> Mark

1:  The binary thing is a distro or package that I don't compile
myself.  So, yea, not Gentoo. 

2:  True for some I guess.  The only module I have is my video drivers. 
I build everything else I need into the kernel.  It's how I learned to
do it ages ago and so far, it works really well.  BSD tho may do that a
different way.  I played with BSD once years ago.  I been doing the
Gentoo way for a LOT longer.  Last binary distro I used was Mandrake and
it changed names a long time ago I think. 

3:  That's what I'm hoping for but with no recent BSD experience and not
able to find info with google, I hoped someone who used TrueNAS or BSD
would know how its done.  A couple people did.  ;-) 

4:  I have a monitor hooked up still so I can do it the text way if
needed.  It mentions about setting up the network as one of the
options.  Since you mentioned it has a GUI option, I may just do that. 
So long as it works. 

Thanks for the info.  It helped. 


:-)  :-) 

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