Frank Steinmetzger wrote:
> Am Fri, Dec 16, 2022 at 04:43:25PM -0600 schrieb Dale:
>>> 4) While I cannot tell you if the card you ordered has a Linux or FreeBSD
>>> driver, I can point out that on the left hand side of your TrueNAS 
>>> dashboard, accessible in your browser hopefully, there is a pulldown
>>> called 'Network'. It should hopefully show you the current network
>>> interface which in my case is called 're0'. On the right you might,
>>> hopefully
>>> possibly see a big blue button called "ADD". Consider giving that button 
>>> a push after you've installed your new card.
>> 4:  I have a monitor hooked up still so I can do it the text way if
>> needed.  It mentions about setting up the network as one of the
>> options.
>> Since you mentioned it has a GUI option, I may just do that. 
>> So long as it works. 
> That’s what I referred to earlier: you get a web interface built-in that
> takes care of all the chores. I always wanted to set up shares on my NAS so
> that guests could easily access it anonymously, but safely (meaning: no
> write access). I never had the patience to go through the whole setup of ftp
> and/or samba with the proper users and directories. But a web UI could take
> care of all of that. Plus it’s shiny. :D
> My point is: there is no need for a monitor. ;-)

I noticing that now.  Once the install is done and you have the IP
address, heck, you don't need a monitor for much of anything it
appears.  I even found a console so one can type in things to do.  I
wonder, could one install the LVM stuff and use that?  That would be
interesting.  I wonder if there is a NAS software that uses LVM
instead.  Interesting thought.  I just may go bug google on that one.  o_O

The network card is getting closer.  May be here tomorrow.  Maybe.  One
can never really tell about these things. 


:-)  :-) 

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