On Saturday, 13 May 2023 00:53:49 BST Mark Knecht wrote:

>    Anyway, I had a couple of thoughts:
> 1) If it's really a bug then as others have said report it up the
> chain and hope for a fix.


> 2) If I wanted to solve the problem today(ish) then I'd build
> a Gentoo VM in Virtualbox, dedicate some number of cores
> to it, build everything with binary packages and probably
> run an NFS server in the VM which I mount in the host
> machine. I then update the host machine from the binary
> packages and Virtualbox manages to never use more cores
> than I give it. That fix is more or less guaranteed to work.

Sounds like a lot of work.   :(

> 3) As a question for the far more knowledgeable system
> folks I'd ask "Can this problem be solved by cgroups?" If
> I have a cgroup with 10 processors in it, can I start emerge
> in the host environment and then just transfer the emerge
> process ID  to a cgroup that I've set up for this purpose?
> Isn't that what cgroups is supposed to be used for?

Interesting idea, that.

> Anyway, just thoughts.

All grist to the mill...


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