On Tuesday, 29 August 2023 16:56:42 BST I wrote:
> On Tuesday, 29 August 2023 15:57:42 BST Matt Connell wrote:
> > Let's start at the top.
> > 
> > When you built docker, did you get any feedback from Portage about
> > missing or incorrectly set kernel configuration options?
> Not that I remember, no.
> > Docker has a strict list of things that it expects to be set (and not set)
> > in your kernel configuration, and portage should let you know what it
> > isn't
> > happy about (at least it did in the past for me before correcting my
> > configs) when you emerge it.
> > 
> > Additionally, what USE flags do you have set for app-containers/docker?
> app-containers/docker-24.0.5::gentoo  USE="container-init seccomp -apparmor
> - btrfs -device-mapper -overlay (-selinux)"

Hah! I spotted the -btrfs as soon as I hit Send (of course).

Here's my /etc/portage/package.use/lxc:

app-containers/containerd       btrfs
app-containers/docker           btrfs overlay
app-containers/lxc              examples man
sys-libs/libcap                 static-libs


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