Michael wrote:
> On Tuesday, 5 September 2023 16:28:31 BST Walter Dnes wrote:
>>   Every so often I tar up my home directory on my main machine, and push
>> it over to my "hot backup" machine, and then do a tap-dance with the
>> .ssh directory.  I notice oodles of cache files being tarred.  Do I
>> understand the man page correctly about the CACHEDIR.TAG "magic file"?
>> Assume I have a .cache directory like so...
>> [x8940][waltdnes][~] ll .cache
>> total 64
>> drwx------  12 waltdnes users  4096 Sep  5 10:50  .
>> drwxr-xr-x 141 waltdnes users 20480 Sep  5 10:58  ..
>> -rw-r--r--   1 waltdnes users     0 Sep  5 10:50  CACHEDIR.TAG
>> drwx------   2 waltdnes users  4096 Aug 29 15:34  babl
>> drwxr-xr-x   2 waltdnes users  4096 Sep  5 08:52  fontconfig
>> drwxr-xr-x   3 waltdnes users  4096 Jun 11  2021  geeqie
>> drwx------   3 waltdnes users  4096 May 29  2021  gegl-0.4
>> drwxr-xr-x   3 waltdnes users  4096 May 29  2021  gimp
>> drwx------   3 waltdnes users  4096 May 27  2021  google-chrome
>> drwx------   2 waltdnes users  4096 Sep  5 10:23  mc
>> drwxr-xr-x 258 waltdnes users  4096 Mar 24  2022  mesa_shader_cache
>> drwx------   3 waltdnes users  4096 May 25  2021 'moonchild productions'
>> drwx------   3 waltdnes users  4096 Nov 16  2021  thumbnails
>>   Would a script in /home like...
>> #!/bin/bash
>> tar --exclude-caches-under cvzf wdexport.tgz waltdnes
>> ...skip files in that directory?  I don't mind a few empty directories.
> Have a look at this page which explains what you need to do:
> https://bford.info/cachedir/
> Alternatively, use something like:
> --exclude=".cache/*"
> for top level .cache directories.

If it helps any, that looks like the way rsync does that as well.  It
could be they use the same coding even tho they do different things.  It
would be funny if the same person helps code both.  lol

Just thought it worth a mention. 


:-)  :-)

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