On Tue, Sep 05, 2023 at 07:38:54PM +0100, Michael wrote
> Have a look at this page which explains what you need to do:
> https://bford.info/cachedir/

  Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!  That page explains that any random
CACHEDIR.TAG file won't suffice, and why my attempts were all failing.

This file must be an ordinary file, not for example a symbolic link.
Additionally, the first 43 octets of this file *MUST* *MUST* *MUST*
consist of the following ASCII header string:

Signature: 8a477f597d28d172789f06886806bc55

  Otherwise it wil *NOT* work.  This *NOT* mentioned in "man tar".
https://www.gnu.org/software/tar/manual/tar.html#index-cachedir mentions
http://www.brynosaurus.com/cachedir/spec.html in passing, which
redirects to https://bford.info/cachedir/

I've seen things, you people wouldn't believe; Gopher, Netscape with
frames, the first Browser Wars.  Searching for pages with AltaVista,
pop-up windows self-replicating, trying to uninstall RealPlayer.  All
those moments, will be lost in time like tears in rain... time to die.

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