On Sunday, 7 January 2024 00:54:12 GMT Adam Carter wrote:
> > > So if it's consistently gcc that collapses to two threads, then
> > > something (maybe explicit settings, maybe dependencies, maybe yadda
> > > yadda) is telling make that only two jobs can run at the same time else
> > > they'll trip over each other.
> > > 
> > > Could be a dev has hard-coded the "two jobs" rule to make those random
> > > crashes go away :-) Or maybe they found the problem, and that's why 
> > > two jobs can run in parallel.
> > 
> > Not so. As I said last time: 'if I set -distcc and -j12 -l12, I get 12
> > threads
> > in parallel'.
> Have you checked you're not limiting jobs in /etc/distcc/hosts? ie no '/2'
> after the IP address?

$ cat /etc/distcc/hosts


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