On Saturday, 30 March 2024 19:34:42 CEST Walter Dnes wrote:
>   Thanks for the help. I've migrated my 3 operating Gentoo machines;
> main desktop, backup desktop, and an old used Lenovo Thinkpad X201.  The
> poor thing was thrashing away for over 18 hours with 657 packages on the
> emerge --emptytree!!!  And that's after using a homebrew bash script to
> select the max available speed on the CPU.  "time" output...

What does that script do?

> > real    1086m47.440s
> > user    1732m29.120s
> > sys     146m54.026s
> > 
> > > I got the news item when I ran "emerge --sync".  My understanding is
> > > that step 1 in the news item says "Please also update your system
> > > fully and depclean before proceeding" so I should update world
> > > first.
> > 
> > Yes.  And depclean.
>   I ended up unmerging specific items manually.  Depclean is "rather
> agressive", and wants to remove all but the latest kernel, *EVEN A
> KERNEL THAT I'M CURRENTLY USING*.  I'm currently on 6.1.67...

Unless you plan on recompiling that kernel, there is no need to actually KEEP 
the sources.

> [x8940][waltdnes][~] eselect kernel list
> Available kernel symlink targets:
>   [1]   linux-6.1.57-gentoo
>   [2]   linux-6.1.67-gentoo *
>   [3]   linux-6.6.13-gentoo
>   [4]   linux-6.6.21-gentoo
>   I ran into the Intel integrated graphics problem described in...
> https://discussion.fedoraproject.org/t/f39-kernel-6-6-x-no-video-on-intel-in
> tegrated-graphics/98360
>   His solution...
> > I was filling out the details for a bug report. Under the description,
> > it asked if I have tried rawhide. I installed 6.7.0-0.rc4.35.fc40
> > and it fixed the issue!
>   This appears to be a bug in the 6.6.x kernels, which is fixed in
> 6.7.x.  My 2 desktops and the Thinkpad all have integrated Intel
> graphics, so I'll sit at 6.1.67 until 6.7.x, or higher, goes stable.
> /var/db/repos/gentoo/sys-kernel/gentoo-kernel/gentoo-kernel-6.7.10.ebuild
> is already present, but is keyworded "~amd64".

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