Grant Edwards wrote:
> On 2024-04-16, Arve Barsnes <> wrote:
>> On Tue, 16 Apr 2024 at 15:29, Dr Rainer Woitok <> 
>> wrote:
>>>> My understanding is the gentoo-sources kernels are aligned with the LTS
>>>> upstream releases.
>>> Right,  they use the same version numbers.   But you can't see from just
>>> looking at the available "gentoo-sources" which one is LTS and which one
>>> is not.   You have to consult "";  to get this in-
>>> formation.
>> Only LTS kernels get stabilised, so this information is readily available.
> "Stablized" as in the corresponding gentoo-sources ebuild is marked as
> stable. [Not to be confused with Linux "stable" kernels -- not all of
> which end up with LTS status.]
> Getnoo-sources also includes "stable" but not "LTS" Linux kernels, but
> the gentoo-sources ebuild for those is always "testing".
> IOW, if you install gentoo-sources, and don't keyword it to allow
> "testing" ebuilds, then you won't get anything other than LTS kernel
> sources.

That's some helpful info.  That helps me too. 


:-)  :-) 

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