Alan Mackenzie wrote:
> Hello, Gentoo.
> My current rig is working well (hence the lack of posts to the list from
> me), but ....
> The time is coming up for me to buy a new PC, the current one being
> around 7 years old.  It's served me well for that time, but nothing
> lasts forever.  Also, it would be nice to be able to build clang and
> rust and friends somewhat faster.
> So I'm looking at getting an AMD Ryzen 7 7700X processor, and using its
> inbuilt graphics rather than buying a distinct graphics card.
> But in the doc on, I can't find any mention of inbuilt
> graphics; all references are to graphics _cards_.  Does Gentoo support
> my intended processor's graphics, and if so, how do I go about
> identifying the needed microcode (if any) and so on?  Am I missing
> something obvious in the wiki?
> As a somewhat tangential question, would it be worthwhile getting water
> cooling in my new machine?  In particular, to reduce the noise it gives
> off while building large packages such as clang and rust?  Or is water
> cooling only sensible for really heavy users such as gamers?
> Thanks for the upcoming answers!

On the cooling point, I notice that newer CPUs actually consume less
power therefore produce less heat.  I've never used water.  I don't have
anything to drink close to my puter either.  I suspect that if you got a
pretty good size air CPU cooler, with a large quiet fan, you will find
it pretty quiet.  I have a FX-8350 right now.  I can't recall the power
it pulls right now but it is more than the newer CPUs.  I have a CPU
cooler with a 120mm fan and even at full load, I don't hear anything and
I'm right next to it.  I don't even hear the large case fans.  Keep in
mind, those case fans are 200mm fans. 

Some prefer water and for those who do, use water.  I just don't see why
newer CPUs that produce less heat would need water when air cooling
works fine on CPUs that produce more heat.  If you would rather avoid
water, I can't imagine a good air CPU cooler with a large fan not being
more than enough.  I might add, I'm always scared the pump will decide
to take a nap.  At least with a air cooler, it will cool some even
without a fan.  Could prevent burning out the CPU if you shutdown quick.

Maybe when I get me a new rig built I can share personal experience.  ;-) 


:-)  :-) 

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