> From:: Oliver Friedrich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: gentoo-user@lists.gentoo.org
> Subject: Re: [gentoo-user] Home Network Printing
> Date: Fri, 25 Nov 2005 11:58:27 +0100

> Michael Kintzios wrote:
> > I created a new printer on hostname1 and also named it Compaq-HP. I
> > set the ipp address to ipp://hostname2.STUDY/ipp but I kept
> > getting errors telling me it can't resolve the address.
> AFAIR the IPP-Adress has to be: "ipp://[Host]/[PrinterName]"
> in your case this would mean: "ipp://hostname2.STUDY/Compaq-HP"

I'm afraid I had no success.  I tried using the address as you suggested above 
but it says unknown host . . . perhaps I should add it in my hostname file, but 
my netgear router which acts as the nameserver should know where to go?

In any case, when I changed it to the IP address of hostname2 box ( 
I got this:
I [25/Nov/2005:20:23:13 +0000] [Job 56] Connecting to on port 631...
I [25/Nov/2005:20:23:13 +0000] [Job 56] Connected to
D [25/Nov/2005:20:23:13 +0000] [Job 56] Getting supported attributes...
E [25/Nov/2005:20:23:13 +0000] [Job 56] Destination printer does not exist!
E [25/Nov/2005:20:23:14 +0000] PID 13299 stopped with status 1!

Anything else I should try?

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