Hi guys and Holly,  ;-)

I use Mozilla for browsing and email.  Last night for some reason it stopped 
sending email but it does give me a error.  This is it:

" An error occurred while sending mail. The mail server responded: 5.7.1 
<whatever email address I am trying to send to> Relaying denied. Please 
verify that your email address is correct in your Mail preferences and try 

That's it.  It don't send anything but it receives the new emails fine.  My 
ISP says they have not heard from anyone else on this.  I set up Kmail, < 
pukes> LOL, and it works fine.  It downloads and will let me send emails like 
usual.  That is how I am sending this.  At least that is the hope anyway.

One thing I have noticed, I can send email to my ISP, the info address or 
someone that works there.  I can not send to Yahoo, gmail or this list from 
Mozilla.  I can go to their website and login there and it works fine too, 
just like Kmail.

I'm not much on Kmail so someone please help me figure out what is wrong with 
Mozilla mail.

I use KDE 3.5 but run stable on everything else.  I have not upgraded anything 
that I know of that should even remotely affect this.

Any ideas?  This could make me shut down my rig.  I'm not big on Kmail at all.

OK.  BIG UPDATE.  I tried to send this from Kmail and got the same error. 
Kmail DOES NOT work either.  I am having to send this through my ISPs website,
which sucks.  I did a copy and paste for the rest of this email.

Thanks for the help.  Please help.  :-(

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