Ernie Schroder wrote:

REMINDER: If you have not already installed the new Exceed Dialer software, then you should follow the instructions here. Otherwise, you will experience service outages and other potential problems.

It would seem that they have changed something there. Maybe contacting 2nd level tech support will help solve your problem.

That has been there for years and it is a windoze thing. The reason they did that is because they changed all their numbers a good while back when our area code got changed. They don't have a Linux version of that software. They don't have a Mac version either. I have set it up on my brothers winders XP with the stuff that came with winders and it works fine. It's just that you have to go get a new list of numbers you can use, which I already have by the way.

I have four numbers that are local. I have noticed that I can only connect to two of them. The other two says my login is bad, even though the only thing I changed is the number. Weird huh?

I am starting to suspect one of two things here, my system is crashing dut to a bad hard drive or my ISP is going to start having some serious email trouble for everybody, real soon.

I'm hoping to send this through Mozilla.  Wish me luck.

Thanks for the help. I'm on 177 of 641 on my emerge -e world.

To err is human, I'm most certainly human.

I have four rigs:

1:  Home built; Abit NF7 ver 2.0 w/ AMD 2500+ CPU, 1GB of ram and right now two 
80GB hard drives.  Named Smoker
2:  Home built; Iwill KK266-R w/ AMD 1GHz CPU, 256MBs of ram and a 4GB drive.  
Named Swifty
3:  Home built; Gigabyte GA-71XE4 w/ 800MHz CPU, 224MBs of ram and a 2.5GB 
drive.  Named Pokey
4:  Compaq Proliant 6000 Server w/ Quad 200MHz CPUs, 128MBs of ram and a 4.3GB 
SCSI drive.  Named Putput

All run Gentoo Linux, all run folding. #1 is my desktop, 2, 3, and 4 are set up as servers.

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