On Wednesday 18 January 2006 23:33, Iain Buchanan wrote:
> Hi again,
> sorry I didn't get back to you yesterday - I took my hard drive out last
> night and replaced it with a new one (plus a fresh install) and I only
> got it back up this morning.
> I think the traceroute and ethereal are the two leads to follow here:
> 1. why are you dialling into exceedtech but getting an ip address on the
> QWest network (according to Richard Fish - well spotted!)

I think my ISP is just second handing their accounts.  I picked up on this 
before when I was having trouble connecting a good while back.  The email 
server IS theirs though.  The rest belongs to some other company, I think.  I 
may be wrong.

> and
> 2. what is your mozilla setting:
> "Mail & Newsgroups Account Settings" > "Outgoing Server (SMTP)" > "Use
> name and password" (is it ticked or not?) and what is the "Server Name"?

I read off to my ISP what I have it set to.  They said it is correct.  I'll 
shoot you a screenshot to you directly, if I don't forget.  I do that too 
sometimes.  May need to remind me.  LOL

> Also,  wrt to mozilla itself not starting - a) did you start it from the
> terminal or from a menu launcher?  b) If from the terminal, did you get
> any output?  c) Do you get the prompt back? d) What happens when you do
> `ps aux | grep mozilla` while mozilla is in it's "won't start" phase?.
> HTH,
> --
> Iain.

I tried starting it from both the menu and from a Konsole.  I was reading a 
thread about someone getting gnome stuff of their system.  Holly mentioned 
that Mozilla needed some gnome stuff to work.  I removed a lot of gnome stuff 
just before Mozilla stop opening.  I fixed this by doing this:  I did a fresh 
install the other day.  After I emerged kde-meta, I emerged mozilla.  I 
noticed there were about 8 or 9 other packages that were pulled in.  I got 
curious.  After I booted into the OLD OS, I mounted the partition of the NEW 
install and went digging in the emerge log.  I picked out the packages that 
it installed and then installed them on my OLD OS.  After that, Mozilla works 
fine.  Most likely, I unmerged something that Mozilla needed.  Oh, 
revdep-rebuild did NOT catch it either.  I'm not sure if it should, just 
saying it didn't.

My Mozilla works fine now so that is not a problem.  It does not send email 
though, well, unless it is to myself.  LOL

I'm supposed to talk to my ISP tomorrow.  I'll let you guys know what happens.

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