--- Mick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> maxim wexler wrote:
> [snip...]
> > I [30/Jan/2006:14:52:31 -0700] Job 23 queued on
> > 'deskjet' by 'root'.
> Why are you running it as root?

That was a test page run from localhost631 which
requires that I be root.

Here's the command-line try, this time as root(the
earlier example was as user):

sarawak heathen #  unix2dos env-lp-test | lpr -l 
unix2dos: converting file env-lp-test to DOS format
lpr: error - stdin is empty, so no job has been sent.

and the log:

sarawak heathen # tail  /var/log/cups/error*
d [31/Jan/2006:09:55:33 -0700]
d [31/Jan/2006:09:55:33 -0700]
D [31/Jan/2006:09:55:33 -0700] ProcessIPPRequest: 5
d [31/Jan/2006:09:55:33 -0700] ProcessIPPRequest:
Adding fd 5 to OutputSet...
d [31/Jan/2006:09:55:33 -0700] WriteClient: Removing
fd 5 from OutputSet...
d [31/Jan/2006:09:55:33 -0700] ReadClient: 5, used=0,
d [31/Jan/2006:09:55:33 -0700] ReadClient: httpGets
returned EOF...
D [31/Jan/2006:09:55:33 -0700] CloseClient: 5
d [31/Jan/2006:09:55:33 -0700] CloseClient: Removing
fd 5 from InputSet and OutputSet...
d [31/Jan/2006:09:55:34 -0700] select_timeout: 29
seconds to send browse update
 sarawak heathen #

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