On Fri, Feb 03, 2006 at 05:13:58PM -0600, Penguin Lover Harry Putnam squawked:
> And a quite long string of package names follow including xvidtune
> I'm apparently using the wrong command to try to learn the
> dependancies.
>   root # equery depends  x11-apps/xvidtune
>   [ Searching for packages depending on x11-apps/xvidtune... ]

equery depends xvidtune  shows the packages depending on xvidtune. 
To show the packages xvidtune depends on, use

  equery depgraph xvidtune


(04:01:59) W: yep
(04:02:02) W: I love linux
(04:02:15) NJYWT: I love penguins
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