On Thursday 16 February 2006 16:02, Richard Fish wrote:

> Having / on its own partition can result in a similar improvement,
> because the drive doesn't have to seek over your files in /home or
> /opt to get to something in /lib.
it still has to move at the beginning of the partition, look up, where the 
files are, and move. And maybbe it has to skip several partitions. And when 
at the same moment something else want something from /opt, it has to move to 
the next partition that may lay somewhere on the disk, which is much slower, 
than a full stroke to the beginning of the disk.

> So I have:
> /boot 100M
thait is total overkill... 15 is way enough. Even 10...

> / 6G
> /tmp 2G
> /var 5G

you dson't use ccache, do you?

> /home 66G (the rest of the disk)
> /usr/portage 1G
> /usr/portage/packages 6G (also contains distfiles)

On my machine du -h /usr/portage  = 4,4GB...  pretty close to your 7 GB 
combined.. and your /usr/portage should never fill up more than 85%, so you 
are wasting some mbs there, and some more on your 'packages' partition...

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