On 2/16/06, Hemmann, Volker Armin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Thursday 16 February 2006 16:02, Richard Fish wrote:
> > Having / on its own partition can result in a similar improvement,
> > because the drive doesn't have to seek over your files in /home or
> > /opt to get to something in /lib.
> it still has to move at the beginning of the partition, look up, where the
> files are, and move. And maybbe it has to skip several partitions. And when
> at the same moment something else want something from /opt, it has to move to
> the next partition that may lay somewhere on the disk, which is much slower,
> than a full stroke to the beginning of the disk.

Except that directory entry tables are agressively cached by the
system.  Once getdents() has been called once for a directory, calling
it again on the same directory almost never requires any disk IO.

And again, for my _single user_ system, it is very unlikely that
'something else' is going to require a file from /opt (which, BTW, is
also merged with /) at the same time.  Even opening an openoffice
document has to first read a bunch of files from /usr, /usr/lib,
/usr/share, et al, before touching anything in /home.

> > So I have:
> >
> > /boot 100M

> thait is total overkill... 15 is way enough. Even 10...

Wrong.  I integrate fbsplash images as well as some emergency recovery
tools with an initramfs in my kernel images, making each kernel image
7-10M.  And since I keep 1-2 backup kernel images, that means I would
need at least 30MB for /boot.

Please don't tell me how much space is required for my various
filesystems.  I assure you I know better! :-)

> you dson't use ccache, do you?

No.  Never saw any significant boost from it...at least not enough to
justify the amount of space it consumed.

Anyway there is more than one way to partition a system, and there are
benefits and risks to the different methods.  People should really
consider what is best for them, and not try to impose "their way" as
the only correct way.

My main point was simply that for many cases, a partitioned system
will have fewer and more predicatable head movements than an
unpartitioned system.


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