On 2/22/06, Lance Jacobs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Looking at the wordpress ebuild file, I do not see any reason for it to
> have a dependency on xterm.  I'm probably missing something simple, but
> I just don't see it.  Any suggestions would be appreciated.

wordpress depends on virtual/httpd-php, which for the current x86
profile defaults to dev-lang/php, which inherits the php5_0-sapi
eclass (or php5_1-sapi if you accept ~x86), which contains:

       xpm? ( || ( x11-libs/libXpm virtual/x11 ) )

So if you have USE=xpm, this drags in either x11-libs/libXpm or
virtual/x11, but libXpm is still hard masked.  So you end up depending
on virtual/x11, which is satisfied currently by xorg-x11-6.8, which
requires xterm.  Simple enough?? ;->

Try with USE=-xpm.


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