
this morning my akregator didn't want to weak up.
So, I launched it from konsole and as I saw no output, I decide to
rebuild it (I've been playing around with some use flags, adding,

#eix akregator
* kde-base/akregator
     Available versions:  3.4.3 3.5.2 ~3.5.3
     Installed:           3.4.3 3.5.2

(Why do I have 2 akregators?)

Then, after akregator compilation, I was looking for some warning and I
found a message that toke me to

I do not understand much from that site, but I did a:
$ scanelf -lpqt |wc -l

and, as the howto says:
"Ideally, scanelf should not display anything, but on an x86 system,
this is rarely the case."

I thought that 114 are quite enough to ask some one with more knowledge
if my system is completly broken or not.

Anyone could explain me why do I have 114 "broken files"?


Arnau Bria
La vida es una aplastante derrota tras otra hasta que 
acabas deseando que se muera Flanders.
~Homer J. Simpson~
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