On Monday 13 November 2006 07:50, Wolfgang Liebich wrote:
> Hi,
> Mick schrieb:
> > On Thursday 09 November 2006 07:09, Wolfgang Liebich wrote:
> >> Hi,
> >> Sorry for writing the first email in german - it was meant for
> >> gentoo-user-de :-/
> >> Now the same question in english...
> >> Wolfgang Liebich schrieb:
> >> I've got a new PC at work and installed it with gentoo linux. My old
> >> work PC is also a gentoo system. I tried to setup
> >> the machines pretty similar. BUT:
> >> On my new PC rdesktop can't connect to any of our WindowsXP machines. I
> >> always get the error message listed above
> >> (a windows for rdesktop appears & disappears after the error msg is
> >> shown).
> >
> > I assume that you have checked all the obvious access rights and network
> > configuration issues (like the firewall configuration on the WinXP
> > machines, the particular -l username access rights for login on
> > interactively at the WinXP console, etc.)?
> Yes:
> - There is no firewall between the winxp machines (plural :-/) and the
> linux boxen (old or new)

Including any WinXP (software) firewall?  I am thinking here that it may have 
to do with the subdomain address that the new Gentoo build is trying to 
access them from.

> - I do net even GET to the login mask, so user permissions don't play a
> role (and if I connect from the OLD gentoo box, I can login).

This type of message often occurs when you are trying to access machines over 
slow, high latency dial-up connections.  Are you using IP addresses to 
connect to the WinXP boxen, or names - name resolution could add to the delay 
and time-out reset messages.

Have you searched the rdesktop server event logs?  tcpdump?


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