On Thursday, 4 January 2007 7:47, Sean wrote:
> I would like to create a database of some sort for my music collection.
> It is large so I thought that somehow I could use some application that
> could pull the info from a freebd server and if I wished I could alter
> any info. Try to entering it all by hand will be just to big of a project.
> I also hope to be able to export that info somehow. This attempted
> project will only be fully useful if I can get the database in some form
> into my Palm after it is created.
> Any such packages in portage that anyone can recommend for such a project?
> Any tips from anyone who has attempted such a project?
> Also, I am running Gentoo amd64, so the app(s) will need to run on that
> platform.
>                               Thanks in advance
>                               Sean

I'm not sure if it's what you're after but Amarok can create a music 
collection database using either sqlite, mysql or postgresql. I believe it 
can use musicbrainz for automatic tagging, although I have no experience with 

Raymond Lewis Rebbeck
gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

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