> -----Original Message-----
> Henk Boom
> Sent: 08 January 2007 16:23
> To: gentoo-user@lists.gentoo.org
> Subject: [gentoo-user] Out of space during emerge
> Hi, after my latest emerge -uDN world I discovered that I had ran out
> of disk space on my root partition. It was causing problems, so I
> immediately did an eclean-dist --destructive, which freed up a couple
> hundred megabytes.
> Is it unusual  that I lost about 500 megabytes net in the past couple
> of weeks due to upgrades? Also, how do I know whether or not any of
> the packages installed were mangled by having run out of disk space?
> Thanks in advance,
>         Henk Boom
> -- 
> gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list


You may have built up a collection of downloaded packages in 
/usr/portage/distfiles if you have been upgrading regularly. I would recommend 
running revdep-rebuild which will check to see if any packages are missing 
dependancies and will re-emerge those missing.

Note: These views are my own, advice is provided with no guarantee of success. 
I do not represent anyone else in any emails I send to this list.

gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

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