> route
> Kernel IP routing table
> Destination     Gateway         Genmask         Flags Metric Ref Use Iface
> dslb-088-067-01 *      UH    0      0    0  ppp0
> localhost       *        U     0      0    0  eth0
> loopback        *            U     0      0    0  lo
> default         dslb-088-067-01         UG    0      0    0  ppp0

Looking at this, I wouldn't even expect it to work at all, since the
only route via eth0 is for "localhost". But since you can connect
between router and desktop, I think you borked your /etc/hosts.
"localhost" clearly doesn't seem to be assigned to So fix
your hostnames!

This here:

> /etc/hosts
>       localhost
>     gentoo-vdr.linux gentoo-vdr
>     gentoo.linux gentoo
> ::1             localhost

I think localhost is assigned to, or did i misunderstood something?

just can't be true if the routes above are the complete routes and you
can connect to your desktop from the router.

I can connect from router to desktop and back ping and ssh are
working, i can connect to the internet from the router, but i couldn't
do this from the desktop

Another option than /etc/hosts may be a seriously broken dnsmasq config.

I will post the config when i am back.

> > For those who are not familiar with shorewall here are the
> > generated iptables on the router.
> iptables -L -t filter
> Chain FORWARD (policy DROP)
> target     prot opt source               destination

Empty FORWARD chain and policy DROP means everything not going to the
router itself is gonna be dropped.

Note that you made yourself a hard time since there's DROP and REJECT
(built-in targets) and you also reference "Drop", "drop", "Reject" and
"reject" targets. I never used shorewall, but if that naming is from
them, they are clearly freaks.

the whole iptables config is generated by shorewall, i recognised this
different namings too.
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