On Fri, 2007-01-19 at 02:10 +0100, Daniel Pielmeier wrote:
> > hmm, shorewall must have done something that's more persistent.
> > Well, these idea's are really stabbing in the dark, but you gotta start
> > somewhere!
> thanks for your hints, i checked all these things but there seems
> nothing of shorewall remainig! i am quite sure cause i am using a
> cruft script which searches for files remaining after an uninstall.
> The scriptt does its job there were several files from shorewall
> remaining, but now they are all gone but my problem still remains.

ah yes, I recall the cruft script!  Does it exclude any directories?

If there is nothing shorewall related left, then the only explanation is
that shorewall must have edited an existing file somewhere... which
seems strange... hal? udev? who knows!

The only last thing I could suggest is running lsof to see what files
are being accessed when you start the net.eth1 script.

Other than that, I'm out of ideas, sorry!
Iain Buchanan <iaindb at netspace dot net dot au>

Nothing motivates a man more than to see his boss put in an honest day's work.

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