Hi Vlad,

On Thursday 18 January 2007 22:35, Vlad Dogaru wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> I had  Conky start automatically when I log in to Fluxbox by adding the
> following line to .fluxbox/startup:
> exec /usr/bin/conky &
> It is before exec /usr/bin/fluxbox (a howto warned me about this pitfall)
> and everything works as expected. The only problem is that when I exit my
> Fluxbox session, Conky doesn't stop, but rather starts eating up my CPU
> (could this be because when I log back in I start another instance of it?).
> It can't be killed with a KILL signal, but I noticed HUP will do the trick.
> Is this normal? How can I have Conky stopped at logout?

Since no answers have been offered so far, I'll have a go at suggesting some 
things to try.

I am afraid I do not have conky on my machines, so I can't readily test this.  
What you probably need is a line like:
kill -HUP conky
after your 'exec /usr/bin/conky &' entry in .fluxbox/startup.

============================================meant to be
kill -HUP `echo ${SOME_THING} | cut -d ':' -f 2`
may do the trick but only if 'SOME_THING' is an environment variable for 
conky, which may or may not exist.  If it doesn't exist then you need a 
string which will source the conky PID from ps.  I haven't such a string 
available here, but I recall seeing something in Google.

Hope the above is not wildly incorrect and helps you find something that 
works.  Please post back either way.

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