On 1/19/07, Mick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi Vlad,

On Thursday 18 January 2007 22:35, Vlad Dogaru wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> I had  Conky start automatically when I log in to Fluxbox by adding the
> following line to .fluxbox/startup:
> exec /usr/bin/conky &
> It is before exec /usr/bin/fluxbox (a howto warned me about this
> and everything works as expected. The only problem is that when I exit
> Fluxbox session, Conky doesn't stop, but rather starts eating up my CPU
> (could this be because when I log back in I start another instance of
> It can't be killed with a KILL signal, but I noticed HUP will do the
> Is this normal? How can I have Conky stopped at logout?

Since no answers have been offered so far, I'll have a go at suggesting
things to try.

I am afraid I do not have conky on my machines, so I can't readily test
What you probably need is a line like:
kill -HUP conky
after your 'exec /usr/bin/conky &' entry in .fluxbox/startup.

============================================meant to be
kill -HUP `echo ${SOME_THING} | cut -d ':' -f 2`
may do the trick but only if 'SOME_THING' is an environment variable for
conky, which may or may not exist.  If it doesn't exist then you need a
string which will source the conky PID from ps.  I haven't such a string
available here, but I recall seeing something in Google.

Hope the above is not wildly incorrect and helps you find something that
works.  Please post back either way.

Hi Mick,

I've solved the problem by taking your suggestion further. I've added

pkill -HUP conky

to my startup file, before starting Conky. That does the trick as far as I
can tell.

Thanks for the input,


How's my English? How about my Netiquette?
Do mail me if something is wrong with my behaviour. Thank you.

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