On Mon, 29 Jan 2007 19:59:53 +0200, Alan McKinnon wrote:

> > So if you run this on a suitable cross-section of machines 
> > overnight, http-replicator's cache will be primed by the time you
> > stumble bleary-eyed into the office.  
> That has to be the most accurate description of my typical mornings
> I've ever read anywhere... :-)

If we were meant to turn up at work wide awake, $DEITY wouldn't have
given us coffee machines :)

> > If all your machines run a similar mix of software, say KDE desktops,
> > you only need to run the cron task on one of them.  
> Um, that's the hard part. Here's KDE, Gnome, Fluxbox, e17 - just for 
> WMs. All machines are ~x86 but that's where the similarities end. I 
> suppose I could set up a master machine whose world is a combination of 
> all the clients. But whatever I chose, the solution doe not appear to 
> be simple :-(

There's nothing to stop you installing all the DE/WMs on one box, it
doesn't have to use them all, or run emerge -uf world on more than one.

I guess you could also join all your world files into one, remove dupes
and do something like "emerge -uf system; xargs emerge -uDf <masterfile".

Neil Bothwick

Don't be humble, you're not that great.

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